In the month of May of the year 1977, George Lucas single-handily changed the art of cinema when Star Wars was released into theaters. Star Wars had action and special effects that nobody had ever seen before and was way ahead of it’s time. Merchandise and toys soon followed that enabled Lucas to build one of the biggest franchises ever. The force behind Star Wars continues in the months of May and June each year as Disney celebrates everything Star Wars at Hollywood Studios with it’s Star Wars Weekend event.
Star Wars Weekends 2015
Star Wars weekends will take place every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for four weekends in a row on May 15th through May 17th, 2015; May 22nd through May 24th, 2015; May 29th through May 31st, 2015; June 5th through June 7th, 2015, and June 12th through June 14th, 2015.
Star Wars weekends is Disney’s giant Star Wars festival that is highlighted by a Star Wars parade and many special activities throughout the weekend. Star Wars music plays throughout the park with question and answer sessions with actors from the different Star Wars films and directors and voice actors of the Star Wars Clone Wars animated television series.
The highlight of the event is the daily motorcade that enlist the 501st Legion Star Wars fan club where massive amounts of Vader’s clone Storm Troopers march down Disney’s Hollywood Studios parade route with other characters from the Star Wars films.
Star Tours Ride and Jedi Academy Training
For the Star Wars Weekend in 2011, Disney World revealed their revamped Star Tours ride (see video below) that is a motion-based simulator that has over 50 different ride sequences in 3-D. Star Tours features some of the best known Star Wars characters of R2-D2, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, Jedi Master Yoda, Admiral Ackbar, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca.
In addition to Star Tours, there is also the Jedi Academy Training that is geared towards children to show them how to use a light saber and features Darth Vader. F
Symphony in the Stars! Fireworks
Each night of Star Wars Weekends is capped with a fireworks display behind the parks iconic Chinese Theatre that is themed to Star Wars music that is highlighted by appearances of the characters.
Stormtroopers at Entrance
Stormtroopers stand guard at the entrance of Hollywood Studios for those guest that arrive in the morning. The Stormtroopers on patrol make scripted comments to guest entering the park that will bring some laughs that is a little extra interaction to get you into the Star Wars mood.
In addition to the attractions, parade, and answer sessions, there are several Star Wars meet and greets around the park where you can meet characters like Chewbacca and Ewoks.
Click Here to visit the official site for Star Wars weekends and download the most recent guides.
Star Tours 3-D Grand Opening
Disney’s Hollywood Studios Map