Downtown Orlando Christmas Star Celebrates the Past and the Future

© City of Orlando

Jack Kazanzas graduated from Orlando High School (now Howard Middle School) in 1949 and lived his entire life in the city of Orlando when a Christmas star was erected between the two big department stores of the time in Downtown Orlando by Ivey’s and Dickson & Ives in 1955.

Downtown Orlando Christmas Star

Several years after the department stores had closed down and the star was no longer a fixture during the holidays, Kazanzas led a fundraising effort to get a new and improved star placed back at the intersection of Orange Avenue and Central Boulevard. After several years of no star rising in downtown, a new one debuted in 2005 with many updates and improvements.

There are not a lot of Christmas decorations in this part of Downtown Orlando so the star stands alone and bright. Below is a video of the star being raised in 2010 in honor of Kazanzas and a second video of a car ride down Orange avenue during the Christmas season where the star can be found and cherished by future generations.

Click Here to read our official guide of the best holiday events going on in Downtown Orlando during the Christmas season and click here for great Christmas events  and things to do all around the Orlando area including the attractions.

Downtown Orlando Star

Downtown Orlando Car Ride During Christmas

Orange and Central Avenue Map

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