Winter Park Boat Parade and Festival of Lights 2014 featuring Christmas Lights and a Water Ski Show

winter-park-boat-parade-of-lightsThe Winter Park Boat Parade and Festival of Lights will take place on Saturday, December 13th, 2014 on Lake Virginia and Lake Osceola. Participants dress up their boats in Christmas lights for some friendly competition and can be seen from the shores of the Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens or from Rollins College.

Water Ski Show

At 3:30 PM the area’s lead­ing water skiers will be per­form­ing a one-hour ski show set to music.  Over two dozen pro­fes­sional skiers will be pulled by Tige’ boats per­form­ing routines fea­tur­ing jumps, mul­ti­ple skiers’ acts, bare­foot, wake boards, and high-performance equip­ment.

Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens:

Festivities will kick off at 4 PM with food, wine, and live music while the crowds wait for the sun to set for the main event of boats lined up in Christmas lights.

Boat Parade:

At dusk, the boat parade will begin making its way over to the museum making its entrance at the Museum around 6:30 PM. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to enjoy the parade with family and friends.

Ice Skating in Central Park

Prior to the Boat Parade or immediately afterwards, head over to Central Park to go ice skating.

Click Here for more information about the boat parade event.

Click Here to read our official guide of the best holiday events going on in Winter Park and Baldwin Park during the Christmas season and click here for great Christmas events and things to do all around the Orlando area including the attractions.

Waterski Show from Winter Park Boat Parade:

Albin Polasek Museum Map