Rock The Universe is the annual Christian rock and roll festival that is Universal Studios’ answer to Disney’s Night of Joy. Most recently, Universal has added a new theater to host all of their concerts. Some of the artists to play Rock the Universe in recent years include Switchfoot, CastingRead More →

Universal Studios Mardi Gras Concert Lineup

Diana Ross, Fall Out Boy, 3 Doors Down, and Shawn Mendes highlight an impressive concert lineup for the 2016 Universal Studios Orlando Mardi Gras event that will be held on every Saturday Night and three Sunday nights beginning on Saturday, February 6th, 2016 and continuing through Saturday, April 16th, 2016. Concerts have started atRead More →

Now in it’s 81st year, the 2016 Annual Bach Festival in Winter Park will feature world class musical artists and scholars to celebrate the life and music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Many of the concert performances will take place at the beautiful Rollins College campus in the Knowles Memorial Chapel and TidtkeRead More →

The Candlelight Processional Christmas Concert at Epcot in Disney World is the best Christmas event to be experienced in any of the theme parks in Orlando and also has the most history of any other event, beginning with Walt Disney himself, organizing the first event for Disneyland in California inRead More →

The Trans-Siberian Orchestra roars into town with it’s over-the-top Christmas production at the Amway Center on Saturday, December 12th, 2015 for two shows at 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Trans-Siberian Orchestra The Trans-Siberian Orchestra got their start in 1993 and have sold over 9 million concert tickets and 8.5 million albums since then. The band’s musical style incorporatesRead More →

WJRR hosts the 22nd annual Earthday Birthday concert on Saturday, April 25th, 2015 at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. Earthday Birthday 2015 Earthday Birthday is Orlando’s biggest rock and roll and heavy metal outdoor event that is held each year around the Earth Day Holiday. Eighteen headlining rock bands are scheduled for theRead More →

Universal Studios has several events to send out 2014 and bring in 2015 with DJ M-Squared spinning throughout the night for the second consecutive year. Universal Studios Citywalk New Years Eve Each year, Universal Studios throws a giant party in it’s entertainment district called Citywalk that is made up of many barsRead More →

Here are our top concert picks for the month of November 2012 courtesy of our sister site Orlando Concert Guide: Concert Picks for November 2012 November 1st: The Script at the Hard Rock Live November 3rd: The Who at the Amway Center November 5th-6th: Blues Traveler at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival NovemberRead More →